Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blue Print Cleanse From Home !!

No need to dish out massive amounts of Mulahhh$$$!!!

Plus its nice and fresh right from your kitchen.


The first juice of the day is the Green Juice.
For the same 16 ounces, gather organically-grown:
  • 5 Ribs of Celery
  • 1 Cucumber, Halved
  • 2 Large Green Apples of Your Choice
  • 3 Kale leafs
  • 1 Ounce of Lemon juice
  • 1 Handful of Parsley
  • 3 Romaine leafs
  • 1 Handful of Spinach
Just blend the ingredients together with a bit of water.
When draining the mixture, use the pouch to catch the fiber, we only want the juice part.

Make sure you press out all the juice!!

I use a Ninja Blender for all of these!!


The next juice in the series is P.A.M or Pineapple, Apple and Mint which is light and just the right amount of sweetness. Goes down nice and its refreshing!

  • A Third of 1 Pineappple
  • 2 Large Green Apples of Your Choice
  • A few pinches of Mint, to taste

  • REMEMBER: Mint is a strong flavor, and can easily overpower the other two ingredients, so it’s important to start off with a little bit and then add in more depending on how much you want.

    Spicy Lemonade

    • 14 ounces of Filtered Water
    • 3-4 juiced medium Lemons
    • A few Dashes of Cayenne Pepper
    • 1 Tablespoon of Agave Nectar
    If you don’t have a jar of agave nectar you can substitute it with honey.


    • 1 Green Apple of Your Choice
    • 2 Beet, with the greens left on
    • 3 Large Carrots
    • 1 and 1/2 Tablespoon of Ginger
    • A 1/2 ounce of Lemon Juice (to taste)


    • 4-5 ounces of Raw Cashews
    • 16 ounces of Filtered water
    • 1 Tablespoon of Agave Nectar
    • 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon (ground)
    • 1 two-inch piece of Vanilla Bean (or 1 teaspoon of extract)

    Sunday, March 3, 2013


    My hearts been shattered. The love of my life just walked away. 9 years together. 9. and its all over.

    Thursday, February 28, 2013

    Who Cares?

    You ever want that heart warming feeling? That hug that takes away your pain? That message that lets you know you are not alone. Some reassurance that everything is going to be okay? 

    Instead your stuck alone, sad, eyes full of tears and you just sit there and wonder why.. why you?

    That is me. I really feel so alone right now. I don't have any family to turn too. I don't have family. I have been on my own since I was 17. Lived alone. I see my friends they all have family to turn to. Not me. My family didn't want me. So they left me. ALONE.

    Does prayers really make you feel better? If someone could put me in theirs. Id appreciate it.

    Been awhile

    Lets begin with what has been going on...

    1) Im officially UNEMPLOYED and miserable. I was laid off thanks to this economy. If I was depressed before this... I have officially hit rock bottom. I have been applying EVERYWHERE and literally i haven't heard back or I got the "we are currently on a hiring freeze." I can't deal I'm starting to panic. I have savings but its been about 5 weeks so far and all money is going to rent, food, bills...

    2) I have been on a smoothie diet. Lost 17 pounds in 2 months. Make sure my protein is in there. Its a lot cheaper and quicker then sitting there and making a full meal. Plus since I'm in such a financial crisis this is all i'm left with. I wonder what its like to never have to work a day in your life. 

    3) This weather is making me even more depressed. Its always rainy, cloudy, snowy, cold. SUCKS
    Hurricane Sandy, Snowstorm Nemo, I barely see the sun EVER. So upsetting. 

    4) My heart is breaking. The person i love the most is the one who hurts me the most. I know he lies to me i know that theres a lot of things he isnt telling me. We are falling apart but yet neither of us say anything to change it. He has me last on his list and i believe that is the problem. I would drop what i'm doing and run to him if he wants to do something. Him on the other hand.. Friends first, then work, and then his nonsense then me. If he has time for me then he will call. I need some advice on this!!

    I need some boosters. Please send me some feedback, advice, positive energy, and a smile!!! 

    Friday, January 4, 2013

    Need some love/parent advice.

    So, i have been dating someone for 7 years. My parents don't know about him because I'm technically not supposed to be dating because of religion. He is different then what my family is therefore my family (parents) won't accept him. 

    Now, My extended family is very liberal. This topic doesn't effect them. And they are understanding of my situation.

    My only problem is my parents. Dad especially. 

    Do i follow my heart and deal with the consequence of being "disowned" and hoping my dad will forgive me in the future?

    Or do i accept that this isn't what they want and let go of the person i love more then anything in this world. 

    I don't know what to do. Someone please give me advice!!

    What would you do?

    May i just add:
    1) I do not believe in religion, personally i believe it is what separates people
    2) Me and my parents do not get along in the first place. (There has been an occurrence of DV)

    Tuesday, January 1, 2013

    New Year New Me?

    So I have been doing a lot of thinking. It is a new year. Me being me I'm stuck in a place in my life where i don't know if things could get better or  could get worst. But i am done worrying about consequences. Just need to figure out how i go about making certain changes that for me feel positive whether or not the people around me (friends/family) agree. 

    First things first my health is my number one priority. I have been eating healthier since my first blog. But now its time to put that gym membership into good use. I'm trying to get back into 2-3 times a week. MINIMUM!! I'm past the fact that i need/want a "gym buddy." It really is whatever now i can handle this on my own. 

    Second, School. I need to finish my college degree. Whether or not it will help me with my career now its good to have. And i can always use it as an advantage in my field although i did enter it with just a simple high school diploma. Although this is something i really want to do. Knowing myself i need to find a balance in my life. LESS STRESS!!

    Third, I need to fix my credit score. Get OUT OF DEBT which i managed to put myself in. I need to set up a savings plan and a payoff plan to get myself out. Shopping is going to have to wait. By then end of summer i am hoping to be able to move out on my own. 

    Fourth, """""Friends""""". Who is really worth it? I need to cut the negativity out of my life, friends with drug problems. Def must get rid of. I cant have anyone holding/pulling me down. I also don't need or want any drama, fights, problems. 

    Lastly, I need to work on my situation with my family. We all see life differently which is why we don't get along. MY life isn't based on religion. Its based on the good and bad. Obviously not going to go out and start committing crimes because i don't believe in a religion but I'm not going to hide what i do and what i want to be and how I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE based on a "religion" that my family expects me to follow. From what i know and all i was taught the basis of my families religion is that god is the finial judge. The way i see things god gave me a mind to think a heart to love lungs to breathe and legs to move. Strong believe in the fact that religion is what separates people. 

    Well this is enough for now on my babbling. 

    Wednesday, December 19, 2012

    My Christmas Babble

    So as the holidays approch I've been thinking. What's the point? According to mass media, and the good ol mayans, the worlds going to end at 6:11 AM EST.

    Christmas - is that gimmie gimmie gimmie i want i want holiday. The holiday that can put you in debt in about 2 weeks and leave you in it till about the same time it returns next year.

    Why must we:

    1. Cut down a tree to decorate and leave up in our homes for a month tops. Meanwhile it took them YEARS to get as big as they did?
    2. Use even MORE trees to make bows, ribbon, and wrapping paper to hold items for a week or so just to have the bows, ribbon, and wrapping paper end up in the GARBAGE.

    1. The gifts you do not want
    2. The gifts you recycle
    3. The gifts you return
    4. The gifts you must buy for a "xmas promise"
    5. The gifts SANTA was supposed to bring
    6. The gifts you stand in hours for to find out they are sold out
    7. The gifts you can't afford
    8. The gift they hate
    9. The gift they won't use
    10. The gift they don't want
    Why? Why? Why?   

    You can't buy love. Money cant buy love. Money can't make you happy although it could make you comfortable.

    Why dont people show they love and care about each other all year round. Maybe have a dinner night once a week instead of only on the holidays.

    Am I the only person that feels Christmas is overrated?